Stop Fake Apps & Trojans

Fast. Easy. The DevOps Way.

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Request a demo and see how much better it is to Prevent Fake Apps & Trojans in Android and iOS apps using Cyber Defense Automation.

Improve fake app & Trojan defense in Android & iOS apps.

Automate delivery of fake app & Trojan prevention in DevOps CI/CD pipelines, no code/SDK required.

Deploy Certified Secure™ fake app and Trojan defense, including protection against cloning and modifying legitimate iOS and Android apps.

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Why Cyber Defense Automation
for Fake App & Trojan Prevention

Improve Mobile DevSecOps agility. Build comprehensive protections against fake apps and trojans in Android & iOS apps in a dedicated system, purpose-built to deliver Certified Secure™ fake app & trojan prevention in the CI/CD pipeline. No Code, No SDK. Then, watch the protections at work against live attacks and threats in your production mobile apps. In the demo, we’ll show you:

One Place, Stop Fake Apps & Trojans

Build all the fake app and trojan prevention features you need to protect the mobile business, mobile end users and pass penetration testing. Plug in Appdome's Cyber Defense Automation platform into your existing DevOp CI/CD environment. Protect Android and iOS apps against fake apps, trojans, clones and mods, and apps embedded with malware and more No Code, No SDK required.

Better Delivery, Stop Fake & Trojan Apps

With a Cyber Defense Automation platform, easily control, audit and orchestrate the release of fake app & trojan prevention features into Android & iOS apps, by-build and by-release. Inside DevOps CI/CD, DevSecOps gets its own system of record to create the fake app & trojan prevention model, and save, reuse, version, freeze and release the anti-fraud model as part of each mobile app build in the CI/CD pipeline.

ThreatScope™ Mobile XDR

With ThreatScope™ Mobile XDR, mobile brands and cyber teams can prove the fake app & trojan prevention protections that were deployed in Android & iOS apps work against real live attacks and threats happening in production environments. With ThreatScope, mobile developers and cyber teams can also see all attacks and threats, including attacks from hackers, pen testers, malware, fraud and cheats and make data-based decisions on which protections to deploy next.

Certified Secure™ Protection

With Appdome's Certified Secure™ fake app & trojan prevention certification, every mobile app build is certified-protected with the fake app & trojan prevention and other protections added to Android & iOS apps inside Appdome's Cyber Defense Automation platform. Certified Secure™ accelerates and upgrades DevSecOps strategies. The certificates are used in "go, no-go" release meetings, compliance verification and to reduce reliance on code scanning and mobile pen testing to prove protections.

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Blog Post 4 Reasons Existing Waf Anti Bot Solutions Fail To Protect Mobile

4 Reasons Existing WAF Anti-Bot Solutions Fail To Protect Mobile

Traditional anti-bot solutions, like Web Application Firewalls (WAFs), struggle to protect against most mobile-based attack vectors, resulting in significant blind spots in organizations’ API defenses, highlighting the need for advanced mobile-specific bot defense solutions.