In the Anti-Magisk & Root Hiding free trial:

  • 1

    Deliver Anti-Magisk & Root Hiding Defense in Android apps Fast

    Build, test and validate in-app defense to Magisk, root hiding tools & methods, Zygisk, HideList, DenyList and more in Android AAB, APK using Appdome. 100% No Code, No SDK.

  • 2

    Complete a Rapid POC, Anti Magisk & Root Hiding

    Protect Android apps from Magisk and root hiding tools and methods today. Protect Android apps and users from data theft, data breaches, synthetic fraud and malware that relies on Magisk, HideLlist, Magisk Manager, DenyList, Zygisk, Canary Releases of Magisk and other root hiding tools.

  • 3

    Use Threat-Events™ for in-app UX control when Magisk & Root Hiding Attacks Happen

    Use Appdome's Threat-Events™, in-app intelligence and control framework, to gather threat intel and control the user experience when Magisk & Root Hiding attacks happen.

  • 4

    Build Anti-Magisk & Root Hiding Defense in DevOps CI/CD

    Connect Appdome’s DevSecOps platform to your DevOps CI/CD system. Build anti-Magisk, root hiding, Zygisk and rooting tool defense in the DevOps pipeline automatically.

  • 5

    Improve DevSecOps with Certified Secure™ Anti-Magisk & Root Hiding Defense

    Release management visibility and control with Certified Secure™ anti-magisk & root hiding in Android and iOS apps in CI/CD.