Certified Secure™ Mobile Apps

Fast. Easy. The DevOps Way.

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Request a demo and see how easy it can be to build Certified Secure™ Android and iOS apps in the DevOps CI/CD pipeline, fast. You'll see how to use Certified Secure™ DevSecOps certification to automatically:

Validate mobile app security, anti-fraud and more in Android & iOS apps.

Prove compliance build-by-build for all mobile apps.

Clear mobile app releases fast.

Eliminate risk acceptance waivers in DevSecOps.

Maintain audit and compliance controls for each release.

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Appdome Platform Advantage
Continuous Compliance, All Mobile Apps

Appdome’s Unified Mobile App Defense platform is built to provide continuous visibility, management & control over the cyber and anti-fraud defense lifecycle in Android & iOS apps. Here are four great reasons to use Certified Secure™ in your mobile DevOps CI/CD pipeline today.

Guaranteed AppSec Compliance

Certified Secure makes it easy for DevSecOps organizations to guarantee that Android & iOS mobile apps have the mobile app security, fraud prevention, anti-malware and anti-cheat features needed, build-by-build, to achieve internal or industry compliance. Perfect for PCI, GDPR, HIPPA, FINRA, CODI, CC, SOC II, Data Privacy, Data Protection and other mobile compliance initiatives, and more.

Automated Security Certification

With Certified Secure™, mobile app teams can clear apps for each stage of the release process quickly and easily. Verify required security and fraud prevention features are present before each release, and use Appdome Certified Secure™ certification to clear DEV, QA, UAT and PROD releases, build by build, all from inside the build process, CI/CD or rapid release systems.

Reduce Code Scans & Pen Tests

Appdome's Certified Secure™ is the only solution to certify Android and iOS apps as protected, without code scanning or pen testing mobile apps. With Certified Secure™, mobile developers and security teams can embrace DevSecOps, reduce reliance on vulnerability and code scans, eliminate manual pen tests, and accelerate the secure mobile app release process.

Complete Protection History

Appdome's Certified Secure™ is the only solution to give developers, security teams and DevSecOps organizations the visibility and traceability of complete protection build history, event logging, Threat-Event implementations and more needed to verify consistent mobile security and fraud prevention models, compare and promote security templates across apps, app teams, and app projects, and complete security and fraud certification processes with ease.

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How to Comply with the OWASP MASVS Standard

The OWASP MASVS (Mobile Application Security Verification Standard) is a standard that establishes mobile app security requirements for developers to build secure mobile apps and security teams to test mobile apps. On Appdome, brands can easily comply with the OWASP MASVS standard.

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