Data-Driven DevSecOps™

Certified Secure™
Mobile DevSecOps Certification

Certified Secure™ Mobile DevSecOps certification is the fastest and easiest way to guarantee Android & iOS apps have the mobile app defenses you need to protect the brand and business. Each Certified Secure certificate is a separate, auditable, and detailed artifact generated by Appdome’s Unified Mobile App Defense platform showing the mobile app security, anti-fraud, and other defenses built in the Android & iOS apps in the DevOps CI/CD release cycle.

Contact us to see how amazing it can be to use Certified Secure™ Mobile DevSecOps Certification in your Android & iOS DevOps CI/CD pipeline.

Logo Certified Secure

Stop Paying More to Verify Protections in Android & iOS
Mobile App Compliance Certification, Build-by-Build

Certified Secure™
Protections in the CI/CD

Appdome's Cyber Defense Automation platform delivers a Certified Secure™ DevSecOps certification for the mobile app security, RASP, anti-fraud, anti-malware and anti-cheat protections built into Android and iOS apps in the DevOps Ci/CD pipeline, reducing the dependence on code scans and eliminating blocked releases.

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Verified Protection
Any Stage of Mobile Release

With Appdome's Certified Secure™ DevSecOps certificate in hand, Dev and Ops organizations can quickly clear releases, in each stage of the mobile app release cycle, including DEV, QA, UAT and PROD, and verify the that every version of the mobile app has the requisite protections required for that app and that business.

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Mobile Security
Compliance Made Easy

Certified Secure™ is a better way to verify mobile app compliance with cyber and anti-fraud objectives. Get, keep, and share a certified history of the mobile app security, RASP, anti-fraud, anti-malware & mobile cheat prevention features added to each version and each build of mobile apps with audit teams, management, or customers.

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Mobile App Protection, Certified Build by Build

Take the work and guesswork out of security, fraud prevention, and compliance. Eliminate Remediation. Create Consistent, Certified Secure™ Mobile Apps Every Release, Automatically.

Identify the secured Android and iOS app quickly and easily by app name, icon, bundle ID, version #, date, and more. Link certificaton to specific Appdome version.
Appdome Certified

High level summary of mobile app and mobile security features in each build

Appdome Certified Secure™ security and fraud prevetion certification

Attestation and certification by Date, Mobile App Name, Version Number, Appdome Build ID and more, linking the certification to a specific build

Auditability, Traceability and Accountability for Android and iOS Releases, SoD verified workflows and Release Teams

Appdome Certified Secure™ security and fraud prevetion certification
Appdome Certified Secure™ security and fraud prevetion certification

Appdome Fusion Set ID and log provides certified mobile app security and fraud prevention release readiness at DevSecOps agility, speed

Detailed digital record and at-a-glance verification of Appdome mobile app security and fraud prevention features and parameters protecting your Android and iOS Apps.

Appdome Certified Secure™ security and fraud prevetion certification
Appdome Certified Secure™ security and fraud prevetion certification
Details if Appdome
Threat-Events are in use.

Identify the secured Android and iOS app quickly and easily by app name, icon, bundle ID, version #, date, and more. Link certificaton to specific Appdome version.

High level summary of mobile app and mobile security features in each build

Appdome Certified

Attestation and certification by Date, Mobile App Name, Version Number, Appdome Build ID and more, linking the certification to a specific build

Appdome Certified Secure™ security and fraud prevetion certification

Attestation and certification by Date, Mobile App Name, Version Number, Appdome Build ID and more, linking the certification to a specific build

Appdome Certified Secure™ security and fraud prevetion certification

Appdome Fusion Set ID and log provides certified mobile app security and fraud prevention release readiness at DevSecOps agility, speed

Appdome Certified Secure™ security and fraud prevetion certification

Detailed digital record and at-a-glance verification of Appdome mobile app security and fraud prevention features and parameters protecting your Android and iOS Apps.

Appdome Certified Secure™ security and fraud prevetion certification

Details if Appdome
Threat-Events are in use.

Appdome Certified Secure™ security and fraud prevetion certification
Appdome Certified
Appdome Certified Secure™ security and fraud prevetion certification
Appdome Certified Secure™ security and fraud prevetion certification
Appdome Certified Secure™ security and fraud prevetion certification
Appdome Certified Secure™ security and fraud prevetion certification
Appdome Certified Secure™ security and fraud prevetion certification

Identify the secured Android and iOS app quickly and easily by app name, icon, bundle ID, version #, date, and more. Link certificaton to specific Appdome version.

High level summary of mobile app and mobile security features in each build


Attestation and certification by Date, Mobile App Name, Version Number, Appdome Build ID and more, linking the certification to a specific build

Attestation and certification by Date, Mobile App Name, Version Number, Appdome Build ID and more, linking the certification to a specific build

Appdome Fusion Set ID and log provides certified mobile app security and fraud prevention release readiness at DevSecOps agility, speed

Detailed digital record and at-a-glance verification of Appdome mobile app security and fraud prevention features and parameters protecting your Android and iOS Apps.

Details if Appdome
Threat-Events are in use.

Are you looking for a faster way
to verify mobile app security in apps?

Certified Secure is an automated, detailed artifact of the security, anti-fraud and other protections built into each mobile app by Appdome's Cyber Defense Automation platform. More than a DAST/SAST code scan, Certified Secure Mobile DevSecOps Certification is delivered in the CI/CD pipeline and provides you release confidence, compliance readiness and ensures that your app has the defenses you require to protect the app, revenues and the user experience. Accelerate your mobile DevSecOps pipeline with Certified Secure™.

Guaranteed Mobile App Compliance

How do you know that your Android & iOS app meets the requirements needed for your industry? With Certified Secure, guarantee that all Android & iOS apps have the security, anti-fraud, malware prevention, obfuscation RASP and other protections needed to achieve internal or industry compliance regulations and initiatives. Perfect for PCI, GDPR, HIPPA, FINRA, CODI, CC, SOC II, Data Privacy, Data Protection Compliance, and more.

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Rapid Mobile Security Certification in CI/CD

With Certified Secure™, mobile app teams have instant verification that Android & iOS apps have the needed protections and can clear apps for release in the DevOps pipeline quickly and easily. Use Appdome Certified Secure™ to clear DEV, QA, UAT and PROD releases, build by build - all within your existing build process, CI/CD or rapid release systems. DEV-API for Certified Secure™ included.

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Less Dependence on Code Scanning

Appdome's Certified Secure™ is the only solution to certify Android and iOS apps are protected, a step above code scanning or pen testing mobile apps. With Certified Secure™, mobile developers and security teams can embrace DevSecOps, reduce reliance on vulnerability scanning, eliminate manual pen tests, and accelerate the secured mobile app release process.

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Improved DevSecOps Visibility

With Certified Secure™ DevSecOps organizations get the visibility and traceability needed to verify consistent mobile app security, fraud prevention and other protections are included in each app, compare builds and protections, and security security models that work best across apps, app teams, and app projects. Each Certified Secure™ comes with a complete build, version, app history and a detailed list of all features, plug-ins and parameters included in each app.

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Verify In-App Enforcements

Certified Secure™ also verifies in-app enforcement using Appdome Threat-Events™ in-app attack intelligence and control framework. Unlike SDK based solutions, that depend on developers and cannot certify the security of each implementation, Appdome's Certified Secure guarantees that developers have properly consumed each Threat-Event to ensure that all protections are working in each Android and iOS app.

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Complete Build and Version History

Certified Secure™ gives developers and security teams a complete record of all mobile app protections, protected builds, protection templates, with a detailed record and history of mobile app version, bundle ID, Build ID, Builder ID, Team ID, Fusion Set ID and Name (security templates) as well as details on the protections added, OS system coverage, file size impacts, file size optimizations, and more.

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Simplify Mobile DevSecOps with Certified Secure™

Appdome’s Certified Secure is the fastest, easiest way to guarantee the protections in and Android & iOS mobile app. Built into Appdome’s Cyber Defense Automation platform for mobile app security, anti-fraud, anti-malware and cheat prevention, Certified Secure™ guarantees the protections in each build and release of a mobile app, reducing reliance on code scans and pen tests in the DevOps CI/CD lifecycle and making releases easier.

Upload your app, select the mobile app protections needed in your app and build your first Certified Secure™ Android and iOS apps today.


Appdome Knowledge Base

Find detailed “step-by-step” instructions on how to implement mobile security and other services in any mobile shopping, mobile retail, travel, gaming, and more Android and iOS apps. Mobile apps can be built in Android Studio, Java, Kotlin, C++, Ionic, React Native, Flutter, Cordova, Swift, Objective-C, Xcode, Xamarin, PhoneGap, and more. Learn how to protect any Android and iOS app from Mobile Fraud, Mobile Malware, User Level Attacks, MiTM and other Network-Based Attacks, Data Breaches, Cyber Ransoming, and Mods and Fake Apps apps – FAST!  Includes information on the patented technology that powers the Appdome mobile security platform, illustrated guides, mobile developer tips and more.

Blog Using 3 Levels Of Data In Mobile Devsecops

Using 3 Levels of Data in Mobile DevSecOps

Anyone that knows me knows I love golf.

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Better Mobile DevSecOps Certification
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