Case Study BYOD
in Financial Services

Learn how a major financial services firm empowers
employees, delivering secure mobile apps on any
device using Appdome.

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What's inside the Case Study?

Learn how a global investment company makes BYOD in Financial Services easy.

The more than 17,000 employees at this global Wall Street institution access critical and sometimes confidential corporate data from their non-managed (BYOD) devices. One of the goals for the mobility team was to bring all users onto a common mobile communication platform. With the goal to let them easily collaborate and work together.

This global investments firm needed a solution that made mobile app integration simple, easy and fast. More importantly, the solution needed to ensure that the apps work as they are intended to, without a change in their behavior or crash while in use. Given the specific requirements for BYOD in Financial Services, the company also needed a solution that would work across operating systems and frameworks. They chose Appdome as the solution of choice to address the challenges for BYOD in Financial Services.

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