Secure Mobile Streaming

Fast. Easy. The DevOps Way.

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Mobile streaming brands invest in DevOps to eliminate manual engineering work and accelerate release timelines. Appdome does the same with the mobile app security, anti-fraud and other defenses needed in your mobile streaming app. In the demo, you'll learn to:

Automate the work out of securing mobile streaming apps.

Build, monitor and respond in one mobile app defense platform.

Achieve continuous mobile DevSecOps compliance in CI/CD.

Use technology to build Certified Secure™ mobile streaming apps.

Try Appdome with your favorite CI/CD platform:


What Can I Expect?
Secure Mobile Streaming Demo

In 30 minutes or less, we’ll show you how to use our platform to build, monitor and respond with mobile app security, anti-fraud and other defenses in Android & iOS mobile streaming apps with ease.

Living Defense Platform

We're proud of our product and want you to see the speed, agility and transparency it brings to your DevOps pipeline. In the demo, we'll sign into the live, production, version of the Appdome platform and show you the way mobile streaming brands continuously create, build, control, certify, audit, monitor and respond with mobile app security, anti-fraud, anti-malware and other defenses in Android & iOS apps 10,000x a day.

Cyber & Engineering Q&A

We want to show you that cybersecurity and anti-fraud can thrive in the mobile DevOps ecosystem. Our mobile app defense specialists are knowledgable about all things mobile, including mobile streaming security best practices, mobile DevSecOps challenges, CI/CD pipelines, using Mobile App Testing Services, MAST, passing mobile app pen tests, Android & iOS developer considerations and more.

Build a Secure Mobile App

In the demo, we'll build a Certified Secure™ mobile streaming app with any or all of the mobile app security, anti-fraud, geo-compliance, mobile bot defense or other protections you need in less than 5 minutes. We'll also show you how we support our mobile streaming customers to guarantee their mobile apps are always secure and ready for release.

No Slideware

We know your time is important. We don't need to waste time showing you slide ware, marketectures, complicated diagrams or SDKs. Once you see how easy it can be to meet your objectives using our platform, end frustration with point products, and streamline mobile streaming security, we're certain you'll want to try our product for yourself.

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How to Comply with the OWASP MASVS Standard

The OWASP MASVS (Mobile Application Security Verification Standard) is a standard that establishes mobile app security requirements for developers to build secure mobile apps and security teams to test mobile apps. On Appdome, brands can easily comply with the OWASP MASVS standard.

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AI Has Democratized Spear Phishing Attacks, Now What?

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