Social Engineering Prevention

Fast. Easy. The DevOps Way.

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Build, monitor, and respond with continuous mobile Social Engineering Prevention features in Android and iOS apps in the DevOps CI/CD pipeline. In the demo, you'll see how to:

Automate the work out of Mobile Social Engineering Prevention. All Android & iOS Apps. All CI/CD pipelines. No code/SDK.

Combine 300+ Certified Secure™ Appdome protections with social engineering protections like anti-vishing, anti-remote desktop control, app store signature validation and more fast.

Monitor, gather data and deliver better user experiences with social engineering protection in Android & iOS apps.

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Appdome Platform Advantage
Social Engineering Prevention

Save time and money on social engineering prevention in mobile apps. Appdome provides mobile brands, and cyber and engineering teams, a single platform for continuous collaboration and control over mobile social engineering prevention in Android & iOS apps.

Complete Social Engineering Defense

Appdome uses Machine Learning to build any or all of 300+ threat-aware social engineering prevention features incl. anti-vishing, SIM swap detection, anti-remote desktop control, app store signature validation, RAT and Trojan defense and more, into Android & iOS apps in the CI/CD pipeline so the mobile development team doesn't have to. Enjoy autonomous, no code, no SDK, dynamic, agile social engineering defense for all Android & iOS apps

Continuous Compliance

Build-by-build, mobile brands can control, audit and orchestrate the release of Social Engineering Prevention features into Android & iOS apps. Create, save, version, freeze and release mobile app defense feature sets into Android & iOS apps on-demand. Each build is Certified Secure™ with the needed Social Engineering Prevention and other defenses to guarantee continuous compliance with cyber, anti-fraud and other policies with ease.

Better Data & Visibility

Appdome's ThreatScope™ Extended Detection & Response (XDR) for mobile apps allows mobile brands to see all attacks and threats that impact the mobile app, brand and business. Prove the ROI of existing defenses deployed inside mobile apps. With one-click, instantly respond to each attack, adding new defenses to Android & iOS apps in the DevOps CI/CD pipeline.

Better User Experiences

Appdome's Threat-Events™ is the only solution that gives mobile brands the data, framework, and control to create amazing user experiences when social engineering attacks happen in Android & iOS apps. Consume real-time, contextual, attack and threat event data in the mobile app without a server call out, and use the data to educate, remediate, or delight users when attacks happen.

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How to Comply with the OWASP MASVS Standard

The OWASP MASVS (Mobile Application Security Verification Standard) is a standard that establishes mobile app security requirements for developers to build secure mobile apps and security teams to test mobile apps. On Appdome, brands can easily comply with the OWASP MASVS standard.

Spear Phishing Attacks Blog

AI Has Democratized Spear Phishing Attacks, Now What?

Spear phishing attacks used to be limited to high-profile targets such as CEOs, politicians, and other influential individuals. These attacks required extensive research, preparation, and coordination, making them a…