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Developers and Security Teams Know Appdome is the Right Choice

Using Appdome’s Security Build System, you can easily build features that encrypt Android apps and data, no coding, no SDKs. Appdome automatically adjusts to the language and xml.strings included in your app, no code decoration or exclusion lists required.

Encrypt apps and data in Android inside the DevOps pipeline with ease. Meet release timelines. Satisfy internal and industry security requirements fast.

Ask about these top features of no-code Mobile Data Encryption

AES 256 Encryption

Use industry standard AES 256 data encryption to encrypt data stored or inside Android & iOS apps to protect all mobile data stored in the app, preferences, strings, XML and Dex in apps , without any dependencies on data structure, databases or file structures. Appdome automatically adjust to the DBs, file structure, XML and strings in your app, without code decoration or exclusions.

Protect Three States of Data

Build stand alone, in-app AES 256 or FIPS 140-2 data encryption into Android and iOS apps, to encrypt Android and iOS app data, including encrypting data at rest and data in memory. Mobile data encryption includes data created by users, downloaded by the app, mobile app data stored by the app in the application sandbox, SD card, in strings, preferences, resources, assets, XML and Dex.

FIPS 140-2 Cryptography

Use military grade FIPS 140-2 to encrypt Android apps and encrypt iOS apps and protect data, files, strings, resources and network connections in specific gov't use cases and make apps FIPS 140-2 compliant. Whitebox Cryptography, Whitebox Encryption.

Dynamic Application Encryption

Appdome dynamically generates symmetric data encryption keys at runtime. Keys are generated by Appdome by using industry-standard AES mechanisms. Keys are never stored on the device and are derived at run-time. Android Encryption, iOS Encryption, Mobile Encryption, App Encryption.

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How to Comply with the OWASP MASVS Standard

The OWASP MASVS (Mobile Application Security Verification Standard) is a standard that establishes mobile app security requirements for developers to build secure mobile apps and security teams to test mobile apps. On Appdome, brands can easily comply with the OWASP MASVS standard.

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