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Request a demo and see how easy it can be to use Threat-Events™ to build better user experiences (UX) when cyber, fraud and other attacks happen in Android and iOS apps. Building better user experiences when attacks happen starts with getting better data. Threat-Events is a 360°, in-app, threat intelligence and control framework for mobile apps. In the demo, you'll see how to use Threat-Events™ to automatically:

Consume detailed attack and threat data in mobile apps with ease.

Pair Theat-Event meta-data to UserID, SessionID, more.

Use risk profiling for better cyber and anti-fraud response.

Leverage conditional, fail-safe and other enforcement options.

Avoid servers, server call-outs, RTTs, or SDKs.

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Appdome Platform Advantage
Full UX Control When Attacks Happen

Not all threats are the same. Threat-Events allow you to configure the response when threats are detected and the enforcement of the defense to the type of threat and severity of the threat level. Thus creating a much better in-app, end-user experience.  Threat-Events also provide you with rich attack and threat data giving you much needed intelligence to better understand the threat landscape your apps are operating. Request a demo now and see how Threat-Events give you more control over your threat response and improve the overall end-user experience. 

100s of Threat-Events for 100s of Attacks

There are 100s of in-app Threat-Events™, each with a unique name, identifier, etc. to match the 100s of runtime and dynamic threat and attack vectors detected and protected via Appdome. This allows Android & iOS mobile developers to register and listen for only the Threat-Events they need, or part or all of each Threat-Event as needed, to control the user experience for the Threat-Events that matter most to the mobile app and business.

Attack-Aware Mobile User Experiences

Threat-Events are modular and configurable. Each Threat-Event is designed to pass binary true/false security, attack and threat data to Android & iOS mobile apps or detailed threat and attack intelligence, including source, description, device and event meta data, ThreatScores™ and more when an attack or threat occurs. Each time an event is triggered, the developer can ask Appdome to enforce the defense or the developer can control the enforcement and response to each threat.

Mobile Threat Signals & Meta Data

Every Threat-Event can be enriched with detailed mobile attack and threat meta data including device, device manufacturer, Device ID and other attributes to distinguish specific attacks and threats and block attacks fast. Meta data is available on all mobile RASP security, Jailbreak, Root, Mobile Malware, Man-in-the-Middle Attacks, Synthetic Mobile Fraud, IVTs, Auto-Clickers, Injection Attacks, Cheats, Mods, Modding, Emulator Players, Mobile Spyware, Credential Stuffing and other attacks.

Secure Threat Channels In-Apps

Threat-Events are security, attack and threat detection events passed from the Appdome Threat-Event mobile intelligence framework to the code of the Android and iOS app, including apps written natively and in frameworks like Swift, Objective C, C++, Java, Kotlin, React Native, Xamarin, Cordova, Ionic, Unity, Flutter, and more. Android developers register, and iOS developer listen, on a secure channel to receive Threat-Events inside the Appdome protected app.

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How to Comply with the OWASP MASVS Standard

The OWASP MASVS (Mobile Application Security Verification Standard) is a standard that establishes mobile app security requirements for developers to build secure mobile apps and security teams to test mobile apps. On Appdome, brands can easily comply with the OWASP MASVS standard.

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