ThreatScope™ Mobile XDR

Fast. Easy. The DevOps Way.

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Request a demo of ThreatScope™ Mobile XDR. Bring the power of real-time Android & iOS attack detection, intelligence, and defense control into your DevOps CI/CD pipeline. Gain insight into the full spectrum of security, fraud, malware, bot and other attacks targeting your mobile business. Click-to-respond to any attack with ease. In the demo we'll show you how to:

Monitor 1000s of Android & iOS attacks in real-time.

Instantly respond to any threat in your CI/CD pipeline.

Track attack severity and business, app, release impact.

Filter, inspect and isolate impacted devices and users.

Avoid SDKs, servers, server call-outs and more.

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Appdome Platform Advantage
Agentless XDR for Mobile Apps

ThreatScope Mobile XDR is the only solution that provides real-time proof that protections in your Android & iOS apps are working against live attacks and visibility into all the attacks and exploits against your mobile apps. With ThreatScope, there’s no agent to deploy, maintain or manage – just amazing data about who, what and when attacks are happening against your mobile apps and business. Request a demo now and learn how seeing is believing, knowing is better.

ThreatScope™ Mobile XDR

ThreatScope is the fastest and easiest way to get real-time mobile threat and attack intelligence in all your Android & iOS apps. There are no servers to deploy, and no analytics packages to install. There's also no SDK to integrate or instrument in your Android or iOS app. Simply choose ThreatScope™ in your Appdome security template (called a Fusion Set) and tell Appdome "Build My App" via the Appdome GUI or Dev-API. The attack and threat intelligence model will be added to your mobile app automatically.

See Real Mobile Attacks & Attackers

ThreatScope offers developers and security teams the ability to see real-time, live production attack, hacking, malware and mobile threat intelligence across Android and iOS apps as it happens. Attack and threat data available on ThreatScope includes all threat, malware, hacking, cheat, and other attack vectors covered by Appdome, whether or not protections are in use in the mobile app. ThreatScope is also fully integrated with Appdome's Threat-Event™, ThreatScore™ and ThreatCode™

Fully Integrated Click-to-Protect

ThreatScope is purpose built to help developers and cyber security professional solve the top mobile threats and attacks fast. Detailed attack taxonomies and protection recommendations are included as overlay insights in the ThreatScope console. This provides instant "see it solve it" ability right inside the DevOps pipeline, without the need for coding, retooling, added SDKs or other dependencies.

Better Security Release Management

DevOps teams use ThreatScope to accelerate DevSecOps, and improve the release of security features into their mobile apps. Unlike mobile penetration testing and code scanning, ThreatScope Mobile XDR provides real-world, real data on the actual attacks and threats occurring in production environments and gives DevOps teams the power to put that intelligence to work immediately. No code, no SDK required.

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How to Comply with the OWASP MASVS Standard

The OWASP MASVS (Mobile Application Security Verification Standard) is a standard that establishes mobile app security requirements for developers to build secure mobile apps and security teams to test mobile apps. On Appdome, brands can easily comply with the OWASP MASVS standard.

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