How to use ThreatScope™ – Threat Alerts

The “Threat Alerts” feature alerts users when unusual events occur and allows them to monitor them by building custom rules and conditions based on periods and severity levels.

How to Protect Android Apps Against Brokewell

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Learn to Detect Brokewell in Android apps in mobile CI/CD with a Data-Driven DevSecOps™ build system.
What is Brokewell?
The Brokewell Trojan is a sophisticated piece of malware targeting Android…

How to use Conditional Enforcement in Mobile Apps

What is Conditional Enforcement?
Conditional Enforcement is a security feature within Appdome’s “Threat Event—In-App Defense” suite that gives developers the flexibility to decide when to enforce protective actions, like…

Automated SDK Protection – Appdome SDKProtect™

This guide offers a practical walkthrough on how to utilize Appdome’s SDK Protect to enhance the security of your mobile SDKs. Follow these step-by-step instructions to ensure your…

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How to Comply with the OWASP MASVS Standard

The OWASP MASVS (Mobile Application Security Verification Standard) is a standard that establishes mobile app security requirements for developers to build secure mobile apps and security teams to test mobile apps. On Appdome, brands can easily comply with the OWASP MASVS standard.

Spear Phishing Attacks Blog

AI Has Democratized Spear Phishing Attacks, Now What?

Spear phishing attacks used to be limited to high-profile targets such as CEOs, politicians, and other influential individuals. These attacks required extensive research, preparation, and coordination, making them a…