I am very excited to report that – starting today – developers and organizations can automatically deploy apps to public and enterprise app stores from Appdome.
At Appdome, we accelerate and streamline the entire mobile integration lifecycle. As the technology leader in no code mobile apps integration, our users complete full implementations of any mobile service to Android and iOS apps in seconds. Appdome users upload apps, select new services to add to apps, click “Fuse my App” and sign the new app on the platform. In the past, our users would then download the newly built mobile app and distribute that app manually. In other words, our users would need to manually upload the newly built app to public or enterprise app stores to get the fused app in the hands of users. That manual step ends today.
Automating the Mobile Integration Lifecycle
Our customers and users love Appdome’s ability to automate the mobile integration lifecycle. So, it should be no surprise that these customers want more. In an earlier blog, I described our new Build APIs that allow Appdome to be connected directly to mobile development build systems (e.g., Jenkins). This feature allows mobile developers to build apps and, via the Build API, automatically complete the mobile integration on Appdome. Lately, our customers have asked us to complete the workflow – creating a new ability to automatically deploy apps to public and enterprise app stores via Appdome. Imagine that! We now offer Build-to-Publish, complete, end-to-end automated mobile integration on Appdome.
Using the direct Public to Store feature is easy. Under the new “Deploy” tab, an Appdome user can either download the newly built .apk/.ipa file and distribute it manually or to push the newly built mobile app directly to any EMM or public app store directly from Appdome. Here’s a screenshot showing the new feature on Appdome:

As you can see, users merely select the method of distribution and click “Deploy My Fused App”. Appdome will then automatically deploy apps to public and enterprise app stores. By the way, while an Appdome-DEV™ license is required to use the new service, there is no need to add a particular service to the app. For example, even apps fused with a service other than a specific EMM can be automatically deployed to an EMM store of choice. As requested by our customers, the ability to automatically deploy Appdome-Fused apps stands independent of the services added to mobile apps on Appdome.
This feature is just one more step in the journey to automate the entire mobile app lifecycle. We have several additional features coming soon that will continue to make mobile integration easier and better for everyone.
Public and Enterprise Store Roadmap
In this first release, Appdome supports automatic deployment of mobile apps to Apple App Store, Google Play, Microsoft Intune, IBM MaaS360 and MobileIron. Other enterprise app stores are on the roadmap and will be coming soon! For your convenience, I’ve linked each store referenced above to a specific knowledge base article. The knowledge base article provides step by step instructions how you can automatically deploy apps to public and enterprise app stores via Appdome. Use the knowledge base to learn how to acquire the credentials needed for each store authentication and the next steps needed within the destination store.
Prerequisites: Appdome Ideal License + Appdome-DEV™.
If you would like a demonstration of the new capability, please request a demo here.
Thank you for using Appdome!