Configuring Appdome Authentication via Okta

Last updated September 13, 2023 by Appdome
This guide details the steps and the necessary data required for properly configuring Okta. Okta is an identity management service that allows IT to manage any employee’s access to any application or device. Okta runs in the cloud, on a secure, reliable, extensively audited platform, which integrates deeply with on-premises applications, directories, and identity management systems.
This guide is divided into the following parts:
  • Configuring the Settings on Okta Admin Console
  • Defining the Person to Use Okta


This guide is meant for administrators in corporations, but its Appdome parts require admin-level privileges in Appdome and therefore you need to contact Appdome Support.

Configuring the Settings on Okta Admin Console

To add the configuration for Okta:

  1. Go to the Okta admin console.
    The console should look as shown in the image below.
    Okta Admin Console
  2. On the left side menu, go to Applications > Applications.
    Applications tab
  3. Click Create App Integration.
  4. Use the dialog box that opens now to make the choices displayed in the image below:
    1. Sign-in method: OIDC – Open ID Connect
    2. Application type: Web application
      Create New App Integration dialog box
  5. Use the New Web App Integration page that appears now to enter data as follows:
    1. Enter a unique name in the App Integration Name
    2. Select the Client Credentials check box
    3. Select the Refresh Token check box
    4. Use the Sign-In Redirect URIs field to enter the environment on which you are testing, with the suffix /api/login/okta/{Company name in small case}
      For example:
      Note: If you do not have yet have a lower case company name, you can skip this field and fill it in at a later stage.
  6. Use the Sign Out redirect URIs to enter the environment URL, without any suffixes.
    New Web App Integration - Sign Out redirect URIs
  7. Use the lower section to select the check box Skip group assignment for now.
    Skip group assignment for now check box
  8. Click Save.
    Now you are taken to the Application’s details page, where you can see more relevant data and keys to be used soon.
  9.  Keep the Client authentication setting that was defined when the user created the application.
  10. Ensure that PKCE is mandatory:
    1. Click the Edit button on the right.
    2. Select the check box Require PKCE as additional verification.
      Client credentials PKCE as additional verification
  11. Click Save.
  12. Ensure that all other configuration settings (General Settings) are defined as shown below.
    General Settings

Defining the Person to Use Okta

To define the person to use Okta:

  1. From the menu on the left side, go to Directory > People and click Add Person.
    Add Person Updated dialog box
  2. Use a domain that you remember and can use, as this domain will be used for logging in.
  3. Ensure that the check box I will set password is selected, and enter a password of your choice.
  4. Decide whether the user you defined can keep using the password entered here or must change it, in which case verify that the check box User must change password on first login is selected.
  5. When done, click Save and Add Another to add one more user. Alternatively, if you add only one user or if this user is the last one you want to add, click Save.
  6. After all requested users are saved open the page associated with the requested user and click Assign Applications.
    Assigned Applications section
  7. Select the application you created above and click Assign and then Done.
    Assign Applications with Application Assigned

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How Do I Learn More

The description above is designed to help you properly configuring Okta. If you have any questions, please send them our way at or via the chat window on the Appdome platform. 

Thank you!

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