Understanding ThreatScope Mobile XDR Threat-Views

Last updated December 6, 2023 by Appdome

What are ThreatScope Mobile XDR Threat-Views?

ThreatScope Mobile XDR Threat-Views (or Threat-Views) allows you to save selected filter views for future access.

Creating Threat-Views enables the tracking of various trends or threat metrics in ThreatScope, including:

  • New Threats
  • Threats defended by Appdome
  • Emerging Threats Per App Release
  • Attacks from a select set of Countries

Threat-Views Visibility Model

Threat-Views are associated to a team or group of team, also known as “Workspaces.” A user’s ability to access Threat-Views hinges on two factors: being a member of the relevant team and holding the “View ThreatScope” entitlement. Furthermore, the platform offers scalability, with the total number of permissible Threat-Views being defined by the user’s license tier.

Note: Threat-Views are not shareable and can only be accessed by the view’s creator.

How to create Threat-Views:

  1. Access the ThreatScope Dashboard by clicking on the banner.
    Threatscope Logo
  2. Select the workspace you want the Threat-Views to be associated with.
  3. Apply the filters for the Threat-View by selecting or clearing items in the Filter Pane.
    After a change to a filter is applied, the filter section will be highlighted as such.
    Threat Inspect Create View
    This Filter indicator shows how many changes were applied to the Threat-Views filter. Clicking on the Revert button restores the original state of the selection filter. If changes were made to a Threat-View, clicking this button will revert back to the last saved state of the Threat-View. Otherwise, the filter will be restored to its default state.
  4. To create a view, click + Create View.
    Threatscope Createview Button
  5. Use the Create View dialog box to enter the Threat-View name in the relevant field, and ensure that the workspace being used is correct.
    Create View Dialog Box
    Ensure that you enter a unique name. If the name you entered matches an existing Threat-View, the notification shown below will be displayed.
    Create View Dialog Box 2
  6. When done, click Create View.
    Create View Button
    A notification is displayed in the top right corner when the view is created.
    Successfullycreated 8
    The View ThreatScope section displays the name of the newly created view.
    View 9
  7. To navigate between Threat-Views and workspaces, use the scope list to select the view to present.
    You can set a view as a favorite by clicking on the star icon on the right.
    The Threat-View or workspace selected as the favorite will become the default Threat-View when accessing ThreatScope.

Updating Threat-Views

The filters saved for Threat-Views can be updated after the Threat-View is created
When the Threat-View filter is modified from its last saved state, the Save View  menu allows performing either of the following operations:

  • Creating a new Threat-View by using the updated filters
  • Updating the existing Threat-View

Save View Drop

After updating the Threat-View, the following notification indicates that the view was successfully updated.


Deleting Threat-Views

To delete Threat-Views:

  1. Navigate to the Threat-View to be removed by clicking and scrolling down the scope drop-down list.
    scope drop-down list
  2. Hover over the Threat-View to be deleted and click the Delete View icon.
    When prompted to confirm or reject the Threat-View deletion, click either Yes, Delete View to remove the view, or No, Keep as is reject the deletion.
    Threatscope Deleteview
    After deleting the Threat-View, the following notification indicates that the Threat-View was successfully removed.

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