How to Test Secured Android Apps on BitBar

Last updated March 10, 2024 by Appdome

Learn how to test Appdome-secured Android Apps using BitBar’s mobile testing suite. Automated testing of secured Android app helps developers and others rapidly deploy comprehensive mobile app security and fraud prevention with DevSecOps speed and agility. Appdome works with all leading mobile automation testing solutions to help customers achieve comprehensive mobile app security at DevSecOps speed and agility, all within the app’s existing application lifecycle.

Customers with an Appdome SRM license can use Appdome’s Build-to-Test service to quickly and easily test their Appdome-secured mobile apps by using BitBar, without the need for different Fusion Sets. With Appdome’s Build-to-Test service, Appdome’s in-app defense model recognizes the unique signature of these testing services and allows for easy testing without issuing a security alert or forcing the app to exit, even if these services use tools such as Magisk or Frida. For details, see How to Use Appdome Mobile App Automation Testing.

Testing on Android Apps

BitBar allows testing apps by using its Live Testing and Automation test suits. Both can be used to test Appdome-secured mobile apps. When using Bitbar to run Live App or App Automate tests on an Appdome-protected app, you can choose between either of the following methods:

The following table describes which Appdome protections may be triggered, why they are triggered, and how to avoid them (during the app build phase on Appdome).



Appdome Feature Reason
Root Prevention Some of BitBar devices are rooted
Detect Developer Options Required to interact with the device – therefore, turned on in BitBar’s devices
Block Android Debug Bridge (ADB) Required to interact with the device
Android MiTM Prevention BitBar uses a MiTM proxy
Prevent Keystroke Injection BitBar uses adb command to enter text. screen


Live App testing – Android

To initiate App Live test of your test app in BitBar:
  1. Log in to your BitBar account. Alternatively, if you do not yet have an account, Create an account.
  2. Under Live Testing click Start Mobile App Live Test.
  3. Select a device or a device group (shown on the right side) from the displayed list.
    BitBar Device List

    If you see only iOS devices while you want to test an Android app – scroll down. The list is alphabetically sorted by manufacturer so Apple devices will probably show first. Alternatively, you can use filters (on the left) to find a device matching your preferences.

    After a device is selected, it will be displayed on the screen. Various device-related options are displayed on the right and an additional menu is displayed on the bottom left side.

    Selected Device

  4.  Click Files on the left-side menu, and then Upload or choose files +.
    Upload or Choose Files
    A file library with the previously uploaded app files is displayed.
  5. Select the app you would like to test, thus installing and launching the selected app on the test device.
    If you have not yet uploaded the test app, upload it now by clicking Upload File button on the top, and then select it.
    Files Library
  6. Perform your tests manually.
  7. Click STOP when done.
    Test session details will be displayed, and the test results will be available for later view under Live Testing > Test Results.

Automation App Testing – Appium Android Client Side

BitBar does not have specific Appium capabilities that trigger Appdome’s protection. However, it is important to follow the app building recommendations on Appdme, as previously described in sections Testing on Android Apps and Testing .aab Apps.

Automation App testing – Android Server Side

BitBar allows you to test your app by uploading your test code and running it on their cloud, using various automation frameworks such as Appium, Robot, and Selenium.

To test your app on the Android server side:

  1. After successfully building and signing your app on Appdome, log in to your BitBar account. Alternatively, if you do not yet have an account, Create an account.
  2. Under Automation click Create Automated Test
  3. Select Android as target OS type.
    Android Server Side
  4. Use the Select a Frameworksection section to click Server Side (Appium and other frameworks).
    Android Server Side Target OS Frameworks
  5. Use the Choose Files section to click on Click to choose or upload file and select your test app and the test code (.zip) from the displayed list.
    If the app and the test code file are not in the displayed list, click Upload File and upload your test app and the test code .zip file, then select both for testing.
    Choose Files Section
  6. Use the Choose Devices section to select any of the following options:
    1. Use existing device group
      Allows you to provide the name of the previously created device group.
    2. Use chosen devices
      Allows you to select the test device from the presented list of available devices.
    3. Use currently idle devices
      Allows you to let BitBar select test devices that are currently idle.

      Slide the blue circle on the bar below to indicate the number of devices you want to include in the test.
      List of Currently Idle Devices

  7. Click Create and run automated test.
  8. When done, click on Go to results.

Troubleshooting Tips

Most automation test tools can typically be used in one of two modes: emulator mode and manual mode (specific terms may vary according to the testing tool). If you use the automation test tool in “emulator mode” instead of “manual mode”, the Appdome-secured application will not run on the device. This is expected because Appdome ONEShield protects apps from running on emulators/simulators.  Instead, you should run the automation test tool in manual mode.


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