How to Secure Android & iOS Apps in Bitrise CI/CD Pipelines

Last updated June 10, 2024 by Appdome

This Knowledge Base article provides instructions on how to use the Appdome Build-2Secure step with Bitrise CI/CD pipelines. Appdome’s Build-2Secure step for Bitrise is an out-of-the-box integration that allows mobile app developers to automate the building, signing, and certification of security, anti-fraud, and other protections in Android and iOS apps using Bitrise CI/CD pipelines. No code or SDKs are required.

The purpose of Appdome’s Build-2Secure step for Bitrise is to streamline and accelerate cyber and anti-fraud delivery in CI/CD pipelines. To do this, the Build-2Secure step for Bitrise automates three essential steps in delivering more secure mobile applications to your users quickly:

(1) Building app-level protections into mobile apps.

(2) Code-signing the protected mobile app.

(3) Certifying the security of each protected mobile app.

The Appdome Build-2Secure step for Bitrise enables the delivery of Certified Secure™ mobile app security, anti-fraud, anti-malware, mobile anti-bot, and other cyber defense updates to mobile apps on the Appdome Cyber Defense Automation Platform. Use this step for Bitrise as a stand-alone DevSecOps integration or in combination with other DevSecOps integrations in your CI/CD pipeline.

For more general information on Bitrise Workflow Steps, visit the Bitrise website and navigate to Managing Tools

Below are the step-by-step instructions for using the Appdome Build-2Secure with Bitrise.

Prerequisites to use Appdome’s Build-2Secure Step for Bitrise

Before you begin using Appdome with Bitrise, you’ll need to have the following:

Step 1: Getting Started with Build-2Secure Step for Bitrise

The Appdome Build-2Secure step takes an unprotected application file (apk, aab, or ipa), rebuilds the file, and signs it using the On-Appdome platform, based on the selected fusion set and signature method. This step can be performed either as part of an existing workflow or as a new workflow, where you must provide the application file as part of the input.

If you already have an existing Workflow, you can skip to Step 3.

Step 2: Creating a New Workflow for the Build-2Secure Step in Bitrise

You can use Appdome’s Build-2Secure step as part of your existing workflow. If you already have a workflow and want to include Appdome’s Build-2Secure step, you can skip this section and proceed to step 3.

To create a workflow with Appdome Build-2Secure:

  1. Log in to Bitrise and navigate to the Dashboard.

    The right side of the screen displays a list of your current mobile app projects.

    Appdome step for Bitrise - Current mobile projects

  2. Select the requested app from the apps list.
    If your app is not on the list, follow the Bitrise process for adding an app. In this example, the android-demo-app is selected. After selecting a project, a build history screen is displayed.

    Appdome step for Bitrise - Build history screen
  3. Click the Workflows button on the top left side of the screen to display the Workflow Editor screen.
    By default, Bitrise generates two pre-defined workflows for each app: primary and deploy.
    The images below only display the default primary workflow. When using an existing workflow, it is essential to add the Appdome Build-2Secure step to be in the correct position in the flow, namely:

    • After the build step, once a valid (apk/aab/ipa) file is generated.
    • Before the build artifact is signed and deployed.
      While the Appdome Build-2Secure step can be added to any existing workflow, this document specifies creating a new workflow for building and signing an existing app file.
      Appdome step for Bitrise - Workflow editor
  4. Click the + sign next to the WORKFLOW button to create a new workflow.
    • The Add new workflow dialog box is displayed.
      Appdome step for Bitrise - Add new workflow
  5. Provide a workflow name.
    • In this example, the name Appdome_Build_Sign is used.
      Appdome step for Bitrise - Empty work flow
  6. Select the value Empty workflow from the Based on: list, as shown below.
    • A new workflow named Appdome_Build_Sign is created.Appdome step for Bitrise - Appdome build sign
  7. Click the Save button in the top right corner.
    Alternatively, press ⌘+S for Mac or Ctrl+S for PC. When the saving is complete, the button’s color changes to a gray Saved label.
    For Android apps, Bitrise selects by default a medium-sized Android & Docker on Ubuntu stack machine. For iOS apps, Bitrise selects a medium-sized Apple Silicon M1-based Xcode on macOS. To change the stack type and size, navigate to the Stacks & Machines bar and choose a different stack or a different size. The Appdome Build-2Secure step only requires the default stack. As a first step in the new example workflow, add the Appdome Build-2Secure step from the Bitrise steps repository.

Step 3: Adding Build-2Secure Step to Bitrise Workflow

The following example shows how to add Appdome’s Build-2Secure step to a newly created empty workflow. When adding Appdome’s Build-2Secure step to an existing workflow, it must be added in the correct position: after the build step has generated a valid app (apk/aab/ipa) file and before the build artifact has been signed and deployed.

To add a Build-2Secure step to the Bitrise flow:

  1. Add a new step by clicking on the + icon on the left side of the screen in the step section (below the workflow name). A dialog box appears, displaying all Android valid steps.
    Note: Make sure not to click the + icon to the right of the workflow name, as this will open a dialog box to add a new workflow. If you click this icon by mistake, press Esc to abort the action. The screenshots below are relevant to Android-related steps. If your workflow is designed for iOS, app-only steps relevant to iOS will be displayed.
    Appdome step for Bitrise-Add A Build 2secure Step To Bitrise
    Note: The black icon to the right of the search bar indicates the platform for which the displayed steps are relevant.
  2. Use the Search steps field to perform the following operations:
  3. Type Appdome Build-2Secure.
    Appdome step for Bitrise - New Appdome Build-2secure Step
  4. After it is found, click on this field. The new Appdome Build-2Secure step has been added to your workflow.
  5. Click the Save button in the top right corner. Alternatively, use ⌘+S for Mac or Ctrl+S for PC. When the saving is complete, the button’s color changes to a gray Saved label.
  6. Optional step: If you want the build output files to be automatically placed in the artifacts section, add the “Deploy to – Build Artifacts, Test Reports, and Pipeline intermediate files” step by selecting it from the steps library.
  7. Click on the + sign on the left side of the screen in the step section (just below the Appdome_Build-2Secure step).

    A new window with the available steps library will be displayed on the right.
    This step is valid for Android and iOS apps.

    Appdome step for Bitrise - Window with available steps
    Once selected, it will be added to your workflow as the last step.

    Appdome step for Bitrise - Bitrise Deploy
    Note: This step is optional as the build outputs will be represented in environment variables, as described in the last chapter.

  8. Click the Save button in the top right corner. Alternatively, use ⌘+S for Mac or Ctrl+S for PC. When the saving is complete, the button’s color changes to a gray Saved label.

Step 4: Configuring Bitrise Environmental Variables in the App Workflow

This section provides instructions for configuring Bitrise environment variables, which you can refer to later in the Configuration:

  1. Click the Code Signing & Files tab. This tab allows you to store code signature-related files (for example, certificates and provisioning profiles). The bottom part of the tab will enable you to upload generic files.
    : As both the Keystore File and the Generic File Storage sections allow file sizes of up to 5MB each, it is not possible to upload an app file here.
  2. Upload the project signature-related files in accordance with your project type.
  3. For an Android app project:
    When signing an Android app project using the On-Appdome method, an Android Keystore file must be uploaded by following the steps below.

  4. Upload the Android Keystore file to the ANDROID KEYSTORE FILE section by clicking Upload file.
  5. After the file has been uploaded, its name will be displayed under the ANDROID KEYSTORE FILE section. Bitrise automatically assigns an environment variable to this field.
    Appdome step for Bitrise - Upload file to Android keystore file
  6. Enter the keystore password in the field assigned to it. Bitrise automatically assigns an environment variable to this field.
  7. Enter the keystore alias in its assigned field. Bitrise automatically assigns an environment variable to this field.
  8. Enter the private key password in its assigned field. Bitrise automatically assigns an environment variable to this field.
  9. When done, click Save metadata.

For an iOS app project: The Code Signing & Files screen looks different from the one for Android. Follow the steps below.

  1. Upload the provisioning profile file to the PROVISIONING PROFILE section.
    Appdome step for Bitrise - Code signing files iOS
  2.  This section displays the file’s name after it has been uploaded. You can upload up to 60 provisioning profile files to the platform, each with a maximum size of 5 MB.
    Appdome step for Bitrise - Provisioning profile files UpdatedNote: Bitrise platform supports up to 60 provisioning files. If you have uploaded multiple certificate files, not all of them are required for a specific build. In that case, you will be able to specify which files to use for signing later during the step configuration process.
  3. If the On-Appdome signing method is planned to be used for app signing, you need to upload the .p12 certificate file to the CODE SIGNING CERTIFICATES section and enter the file password in the PASSWORD field.
    Note: If you plan to use only Private-Signing or Auto-Dev-Signing methods, uploading a .p12 certificate file is not required. After the certificate file has been uploaded, its details are displayed under the CODE SIGNING CERTIFICATES section.
    Appdome step for Bitrise - Details Displayed under Code Signing Certificates
    Note: The Bitrise platform supports up to 60 certificate files. However, the Appdome_Build-2secure step supports only one certificate file. If you have uploaded multiple certificate files, you can specify which file to use for signing later during the step configuration process.
  4. Entitlement files should be uploaded to the GENERIC FILE STORAGE section at the bottom of the screen. You can upload up to five entitlement files (each 5 MB).
  5. Before uploading a file, you must enter a unique ID in the File Storage ID field.
    Appdome step for Bitrise - Generic file storage

    In this example, the File Storage ID assigned to the entitlements file is ENTITLEMENTS_1.
    : Uploading the file is only possible after providing the File Storage ID.
    Appdome step for Bitrise - File storage ID Filled
  6. Upload your entitlements file by clicking on the Upload file.
    Bitrise may alter the ID you have provided to the file. After it has been uploaded, its final name will be displayed, marked in green below the file name. In this example, Bitrise has assigned it the variable name $BITRISEIO_ENTITLEMENTS_1_URL. This name will be the environment variable referred to in the workflow.
    Appdome step for Bitrise - Bitrise alters ID New
    You can upload up to five entitlement files (up to 5MB each). Ensure that you give each entitlement file a unique file storage ID and remember the variable name Bitrise had assigned to it.
  7. Define Secrets: Secrets are environmental variables that hold sensitive data. These are securely stored in the Bitrise platform.
    • Click the Secrets tab.

      Appdome step for Bitrise - Add new button

    • Click Add New.
      Appdome step for Bitrise - Appdome API Key
    • Define a Key named APPDOME_API_KEY with the value of your Appdome API token.
    • Click Save.
    • Click Add New.
    • Define a Key named GOOGLE_PLAY_FINGERPRINT. This key is required if you are building an Android app that will be uploaded to Google Play. This variable should hold your Google Play fingerprint.
    • Define a Key named SIGN_FINGERPRINT. If a Google Play signature is not required, then this variable should be holding your signing fingerprint.

      Appdome step for Bitrise - Sign finger print

Step 5: Configuring the Appdome Build-2Secure Step

To configure the input variables for the Appdome Build-2Secure Step:

  1. Click the Appdome Build-2Secure step. The right side of the screen displays details about the step, as well as the required input variables.
    Appdome step for Bitrise - Appdome Build 2secure step
  2. Fill in the parameters as listed below.
    • App file URL (mandatory) 
      The location of the app file (apk/aab/ipa) is to be built and signed by On-Appdome. This field can be a URL address of an external location or an environment variable indicating the file location.
      : You can define your environment variables under the Env Vars tab. If you are using the Appdome Build-2Secure step as part of an existing workflow, this field should be populated with the output of the previous step; for example, $BITRISE_APK_PATH, $BITRISE_AAB_PATH, and $BITRISE_IPA_PATH.
    • Fusion Set ID (mandatory)
      Appdome fusion set ID. Ensure that this ID is valid for the type of project you are using (Android/iOS).

    • Team ID (optional)
      The team ID on the On-Appdome platform.
    • Select Signing Method (mandatory)
      Use the Signing Method field to select the appropriate method for signing your app. Each signing method requires additional parameters, as detailed below.

For An Android app project with an On-Appdome signing method:

      1. Android Keystore file, Keystore password, Keystore alias, and Private key password.

        These mandatory parameters were already defined in the Code Signing & Files tab and are taken from there.

      2. Google Signing > Google Play Signing (Android only)
        To add the Google Signing parameters, click on the Google Signing category to expand it.
        Set to true if Google Play signing is required or false if not. If set to true, Google Sign Fingerprint must be provided (see below).

        Appdome step for Bitrise - Google play signature

      3. Google Signing > Google Sign Fingerprint (Android only)
        Google Sign Fingerprint or enter a Secret name holding your Google Sign Fingerprint. This field is mandatory if Google Play Signing is set to true.Bitrise Google Sign Fingerprint
      4. Private/Auto-Dev Signing -> Sign Fingerprint (Android only)
        This field is only applicable for Private or Auto-Dev Signing. For On-Appdome signing, this field can be left blank.

For an Android app project using the Private-Signing /Auto-Dev-Signing method.

  1. Google Signing > Google Play Signing (Android only)
    • Set to true if Google Play signing is required or false if not.
    • If set to true, Google Sign Fingerprint must be provided (see below). To configure the Google Signing parameters, click on the Google Signing category to expand it.
    • Set to true if Google Play signing is required or false if not.
    • If set to true, Google Sign Fingerprint must be provided (see below).

      Appdome step for Bitrise - Google play signature

  2. Google Signing > Google Sign Fingerprint (Android only)
    Google Sign Fingerprint or enter a Secret name holding your Google Sign Fingerprint. This field is mandatory if Google Play Signing is set to true.
    Bitrise Google Sign Fingerprint
  3. Private/Auto-Dev Signing -> Sign Fingerprint (Android only)
    If Google Play Signing is set to false, you can enter your private Signing Fingerprint or a Secret holding it here.

 For an iOS app project with an On-Appdome signing method:

        1. Code signing certificates (.p12) file name (iOS only) – Code signing .p12 certificate file, which was previously uploaded to the Code Signing & Files tab.
          Appdome signing supports only one certificate file, so if you have uploaded multiple certificate files, you must specify which file to use in the Code signing certificates (.p12) file name field.
          Bitrise P12certname
          Note: If this field is not populated, the first uploaded code signing certificate to the Code Signing & Files section will be used. If you are not sure about the certificate’s file name, you can determine it by the following actions:

            • Go to the Code Signing & Files tab.
            • Scroll down to the Code Signing Certificates section.
            • Locate the desired certificate.
            • Click on the three dots on its right, and a menu will be displayed.
            • Select Download.
            • The certificate file will be downloaded to your computer.
            • The downloaded file name (including its extension) is the certificate file name to be used.Bitrise P12cert
        2. Provisioning profile file name/s (Optional, iOS only) – Enter the provisioning profile file name/s to be used for this build from the files that you have previously uploaded to the Provisioning Profile section under the Code Signing & Files tab.
          Note: If this field is not populated, all the uploaded provisioning profiles will be used in the Code Signing & Files section.
          You can enter multiple provisioning profiles separated by commas (no file extensions needed). The file names must be exactly the same as they appear in the Provisioning Profile section under the Code Signing & Files tab. Spaces in file names are supported.
          Bitrise Provisioning Profile File Name
        3. iOS Entitlement EnvVar/s (iOS only) – If iOS Entitlements are provided, they will be used to sign the iOS app. Enter the environmental variable names of the entitlement files you want to use and those you previously uploaded to the Generic File Storage section under the Code Signing & Files tab. For multiple entitlement files, you can enter multiple names separated by space.Appdome step for Bitrise - iOS Entitlement Variables

For an iOS app project with Private-Signing/Auto-Dev-Signing method:

          1. Provisioning Profile (iOS only) – Enter the provisioning profile file name/s to be used for this build from the files that you have previously uploaded to the Provisioning Profile section under the Code Signing & Files tab.
            Note: If this field is not populated, all the uploaded provisioning profiles will be used in the Code Signing & Files section.
            You can enter multiple provisioning profiles separated by commas (no file extensions needed).
            The file names must be exactly the same as they appear in the Provisioning Profile section under the Code Signing & Files tab. Spaces in file names are supported.Bitrise Provisioning Profile File Name
          2. iOS Entitlement EnvVar/s (iOS only) – If iOS Entitlements are provided, they will be used to sign the iOS app. Enter the environmental variable names of the entitlement files you want to use and those you previously uploaded to the Generic File Storage section under the Code Signing & Files tab. For multiple entitlement files, you can enter multiple names separated by space.Appdome step for Bitrise - iOS Entitlement Variables
      1. Secondary Output (Android only)
        Set to true if your app type is .aab and you require a secondary output in the form of a secured universal apk file. The output file will consistently be named “Appdome_Universal.apk” and will be represented by the $APPDOME_SECURED_SO_PATH environment variable. This option applies only to Android-type builds with .aab app types when using On-Appdome or Private Signing methods.
      2. Build With Diagnostic Logs
        Set to true if you want to build with diagnostics logs.
      3. Build to test Vendor
        Some protected builds cannot run or be tested on real device clouds due to the nature of the vendor’s cloud environment. By selecting a device cloud vendor, the build will be suitable for testing on the selected vendor. You will not be able to run this build on other vendors or an end-user device. For production or general-purpose builds, choose None.
        Note: Use this option only for testing purposes on one of the selectable cloud vendors. For other purposes, select None.
        Appdome step for Bitrise - Build2Test vendor
      4. Crashlytics -> Firebase App ID
        The App ID appears in the Firebase project settings for the built app. This field is optional and is used to upload the code de-obfuscation map to the Firebase Crashlytics service.
        Note: To utilize Crashlytics service, Google application credentials must be defined. To do this, define EnvVar as GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS and point to your Google service credentials in the JSON file.

Step 6: Run the Workflow – Build & Sign Android & iOS Security with Build-2Secure

Click the Run Workflow purple button on the right.
Note: If several workflows are available, ensure that you run the correct workflow.
Appdome step for Bitrise - Run workflow button

If you are required to provide a branch name for your build, enter the branch name and click Run Workflow.

A new window will be displayed, showing the build and sign process log.

The Appdome Build-2secure will automatically listen for the build and sign commands sent from Bitrise and add the mobile app security, anti-fraud, and other protections to your Android or iOS mobile app as specified in the Fusion Set associated with this app.

Step 7: Retrieve DevSecOps Certification with Build-2Secure Step

When successfully completed, the following environmental variables will hold the build output:

$APPDOME_SECURED_APK_PATH – Appdome secured build of an .apk app path.

$APPDOME_SECURED_AAB_PATH – Appdome secured build of an .aab app path.

$APPDOME_SECURED_SO_PATH – Appdome secured secondary output of an .aab app (Appdome_Universal.apk) path.

$APPDOME_SECURED_IPA_PATH – Appdome secured build of an .ipa app path.

$APPDOME_CERTIFICATE_PATH – Certified Secure Certificate .pdf file path.

$APPDOME_PRIVATE_SIGN_SCRIPT_PATH – Sign .sh script file path

$APPDOME_DEOB_MAPPING_FILES – Appdome de-obfuscation mapping files .zip file

Note: If the ‘Obfuscate App Logic’ option was selected for the Android fusion set, the ‘’ will be automatically downloaded to the same location as the protected application, and it will be named ‘’.

These variables are available for use in the next build steps (out of the scope of this document).

If the Deploy to—Build Artifacts, Test Reports, and Pipeline intermediate files step was used, the Appdome protected files (or .sh sign script) with the Appdome_ prefix, and the certificate PDF file will be in the Artifacts tab, both ready for download.

Appdome step for Bitrise - Artifacts tab

Congratulations! You can now use your secured mobile app.

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If you have any questions, please send them our way at or via the chat window on the Appdome platform.

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Thanks for visiting Appdome! Our mission is to secure every app on the planet by making mobile app security easy. We hope we’re living up to the mission with your project.


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