How To Generate ThreatScope SnapShots™ on Appdome

Last updated July 6, 2024 by Appdome

What is ThreatScope Mobile XDR?

ThreatScope Mobile XDR provides visibility on the attacks and threats that an Appdome-protected app faces when released into production. ThreatScope SnapShots™ allows users to export and share real-time attack, threat, and fraud snapshots, Threat-Views or Threat-Dimensions via Appdome’s Cyber Defense Automation platform or Snapshot_API. 

Use ThreatScope SnapShots™ to keep cyber, fraud, and business teams informed on the progress in stopping security, fraud, malware, and other attacks, demonstrate compliance, or collaborate with other teams internally.

Why use ThreatScope SnapShots™

ThreatScope SnapShots™ allows users to easily export and share the ThreatScope information with relevant team members, saving time on creating individual screenshots and charts for analysis.

The Threat Scope data is updated every 24 hours, enabling the user to use ThreatScope SnapShots™ to document and compare data from different date ranges, threat types, and geographical areas. Incorporate ThreatScope SnapShots™ in progress reports or presentations, and communicate key insights and findings to stakeholders, management, third-party vendors, security and dev teams.

How to Generate ThreatScope SnapShots™

  1. Select the desired date range for the data you’d like to display
  2. Filter the data using the filters on the left side menu and apply them
  3. Select ThreatScope SnapShotsTM from the Download Options menu in the upper right corner to download the PDF file.

Threat-Scope-Download Options-Snapshots

To learn more about ThreatScope and how to apply the different data filters best, please visit the Understanding ThreatScope article.   

ThreatScope SnapShots™ Example 

ThreatScope SnapShots™ displays the ThreatEvents data according to the selected filters.
The selected date range will appear in the top right corner.
The list of applied filters will appear in the top left corner.


File Sample: ThreatScope SnapShots Sample


  • Appdome Account
  • Appdome Ideal-SRM and above access
  • An Appdome Threat Snapshots license (separate license required. If you don’t have a license, contact us at

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If you have any questions, please send them our way at or via the chat window on the Appdome platform.

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