How to use Appdome Build-2Secure in TeamCity

Last updated December 13, 2023 by Appdome

With Appdome Build-2Secure plugin, you can easily secure Android and iOS apps using Jetbrains TeamCity as part of your build and deploy process. No coding or technical expertise is required. Automate the process of adding mobile app security features such as data encryption, code obfuscation, anti-tampering, anti-fraud, anti-malware and much more to any Android or iOS app with no coding or SDK. Additionally, sign your app with your own enterprise certificate for added flexibility and control.


  1. An Appdome SRM account
  2. Team ID (optional)
  3. An administrator privileges account on a TeamCity server, with plugin installation permissions
  4. At least one TeamCity build agent
  5. A TeamCity project of a mobile application

Step 1: Adding Appdome Build-2Secure Plugin into the TeamCity Platform

The Appdome Build-2Secure step takes the unprotected application file (apk, aab or ipa) rebuilds and signs it using the On-Appdome platform, based on the chosen fusion set and signature method. This step can be part of an existing Build process, or as a new Build where you must provide the application file as part of the input for this step.

Installing Appdome Build-2Secure plugin on the TeamCity server:

  1. Go to your TeamCity web interface and login. Usually it would be: http://<server_address>:8111
  2. Click Administration on the top right.

1. Administration

3. On the left bar, click Plugins. A Plugins screen will be displayed.

4. Click Browse plugins repository >> Proceed. A new browser tab will open, displaying the JetBrains Marketplace.

2. Browse Plugin Repository

5. In the search bar type “appdome.”

3. Marketplace

6. From the results, select Appdome Build2Secure. The Appdome Build2Secure plugin page will be displayed.

7. Click Get.

4 install

8. If the server is running on your host, you can select Install to… to install the plugin directly on your server. Then, Simply click “Install“.
If the server is running on a remote host, you can download the plugin to your computer and install it by going back to your TeamCity server URL, then to the Administrator>>Plugins>>Upload plugin zip process (you will need Administrator privileges).

9. After successful installation, the Appdome Build-2Secure plugin will be displayed as part of External plugins installed on the server.

5.external Plugins

Step 2: Defining Build Parameters

  1. Login to TeamCity server and go to Projects.
  2. Select your project and then click on Build. Demo App

3. On the top right corner, click Edit configuration Settings… Build screen will be displayed.

7Edit Configuration

4. Under General Settings section, configure the following fields:

Name: Build name (mandatory).

Build configuration ID: This ID is used in URLs, REST API, HTTP requests to the server, and configuration settings in the TeamCity Data Directory (mandatory).

Description: Build description.

Publish artifacts: Select Only if build status is successful.

Artifact paths: Copy the following text into the text box: +:artifacts/*


5. Click Save.

6. Click the Parameters tab on the left side of the screen.

Note: You may need to click on Show more >> to reveal the Parameters tab option.

9 parameters

7. Define an environment variable representing the Appdome platform API key:

Click the + Add new parameter button. A new window with a new parameter prompt will be opened.

Add the following parameter:

Name: env.api_key

Kind: Environment variable (env.)

Value: Enter the Appdome platform API Key value

10 .add New Parameter

Note: The environmental variable holding the Appdome platform API key must be named env.api_key.

8. Under Spec click Edit…

In the following window add the following parameters:

Description: Appdome platform API Key

Display: Hidden

Read-only: check

Type: Password

11edit Parameter Specification

Click Save.

The newly defined env.api_key parameter should now appear under the Environment Variables (env.) section.


9. Repeat steps 4-8 above to define the following environmental parameters:

  • Keystore passwords (for Android app signing)
  • Certificate passwords (for iOS app signing)
  • Key passwords
  • Keystore aliases (for Android app signing)
  • Signing fingerprints


  • All environmental parameters names must start with the env. prefix (i.e., env.key_password).
  • Secret values (i.e. passwords, keys, etc.) must be defined as “Passwords” type and Display type “Hidden”. Non-confidential definitions can be left at default.

When correctly defined, you should see them under the Environment Variables (env.) section.

Note: “Password” type values will be hidden with ******, while text values will be displayed as they are.

10. Add a new parameter for the mobile application location. This should point to the app apk/aab/ipa file you would like to protect with Appdome.

Click the + Add new parameter button. A new window with a new parameter prompt will be opened. Add the following parameter:

Name: env.app_location

Kind: Environment variable (env.)

Value: a URL to an external server or an environmental variable holding the app file location (could be an output from a previous build step).

In this example we will represent the app location with a URL to an external server holding an .apk app.

13add New Parameter

Click Save.

Now you should see env.app_location variable under the Environment Variables (env.) section.

11. Repeat the step above to add environment variables holding locations of additional files that will be required for signing:

a. For Android apps:

On-Appdome Signing requires the following environment variables:

  • Keystore file
  • Keystore password
  • Keystore Alias
  • Key password
  • Google sign fingerprint (if Google Play signing is being used)

Private and Auto-Dev Signing require the following environment variable:

  • Signing fingerprint or Google Sign fingerprint (if Google Play signing is being used)

In our Android example, we have defined the following variables:

  • ks_location – Keystore file location
  • ks_pass – Keystore password
  • alias – Keystore alias
  • key_pass – Key password
  • fp – Signing fingerprint

These variables should be defined as described in sections 8-9 above.

b. For iOS apps:

On Appdome Signing requires the following environment variables:

  • Certificate file (.p12) location
  • Certificate password
  • Provisioning profile files
  • Entitlement files

Private and Auto-Dev Signing require the following environment variables:

  • Provisioning profile files
  • Entitlement files

In our iOS example, we have defined the following variables:

  • env.p12 – Certificate file location
  • env.cert_pass – Certificate password
  • pro_1 and env.pro_2 – Two provisioning profile files
  • ent_1 and env.ent_2 – Two entitlement files

These variables should be defined as described in sections 8-9 above.

Step 3: Adding Appdome Build-2Secure Step into the Build Process

  1. Click the Build Step tab on the left side of the screen. Here we will define build steps.

14 Build Steps

2. To add a new Appdome build step, click +Add build step. A list of available step types will be displayed.

Note: In our example there are currently no steps defined, however you may already have some steps defined. It is important that Appdome build step will be added in the right place.

3. Select Appdome Build-2Secure.

15 New Build Steps

4. A new build step definition screen will be displayed.


Note: You may have to refresh the web page to see all the fields.

5. Select the Platform – Android or iOS. Other input fields will be updated accordingly. We will use Android for our example.

6. In the App File Location field enter the location of the mobile app that will be built. It could be a URL to an external server or an environment variable representing the mobile app location. In our example, we will enter: env.app_location.

Note: This field can be populated with up to 2,000 characters. If your file location URL is longer, then you should use environment variable rather than a direct link. If you still prefer using URL, make sure the link is fully entered and it is not truncated.

7. Output File Name is an optional field where you can state the name of the output app file name (without file extension). If no Output File Name is provided the default output file name will be the original app name with “Appdome_” prefix.

8. In the Fusion Set field enter the fusion set you want to use for this build. Make sure the fusion set matches the platform you selected.

9. Fill the Team ID field with your team ID, as appears in the On-Appdome platform (optional).

10. Select Sign Type. Determines the signing type, which will be detailed in the next section.

11. Check the Secondary Output checkbox if you are building an Android .aab type app and you wish to get a protected universal .apk file. In such case, alongside the output of the protected .aab build there will be a universal apk file. If Output File Name was provided, then the secondary output file will be the stated file name with “_Universal.apk” suffix. If no Output File Name was provided, the secondary output file will the original app name with “_Universal.apk” suffix.
The Secondary Output checkbox applies only for Android .aab type apps, with On-Appdome or Private signing methods.

12. Build to Test allows you to make a build suited for testing on a mobile device cloud, based on the selected cloud vendor. For production builds select “None”.

13. Check the Build with Logs checkbox if you want to include diagnostics logs in your build.

Step 4: Configuring Sign Type in the Appdome Step

The parameters required for app signing depend on the app platform and the sign type.

  1. Android app with On-Appdome-Sign Type:

Platform: Android

Sign Type: On-Appdome-Sign

Keystore File: URL of the keystore file location, or the environment variable holding it

Keystore Password: keystore password or the environment variable holding it

Keystore Alias: keystore alias or the environment variable holding it

Key Password: key password or the environment variable holding it

Google Sign checkbox: if checked the app is meant to be uploaded to Google Play.

Google Play Fingerprint: The fingerprint to be used for Google Play singing, or the environment variable holding it. If Google Sign is not checked, leave it blank.

Based on the example given in the previous section, the screen will be filled as following:


Note: In some cases, TeamCity platform may wrap the env. parameters with % signs, for them to be shown like %env.alias%. You can do the same manually and it will also be acceptable.

2. Android app with Private-Sign or Audo-Dev-Sign Type:

Platform: Android
Sign Type: Private-Sign or Audo-Dev-Sign
Google Sign checkbox: if checked the app is meant to be uploaded to Google Play.
Google Play Fingerprint: The fingerprint to be used for Google Play singing, or the environment variable holding it. If Google Sign is not checked, leave it blank.
Fingerprint: If Google Sign is not selected, you can use a private signature fingerprint. Enter here the environment variable holding it.

18 private sign

Note: In some cases, TeamCity platform may wrap the env. parameters with % signs, for them to be shown like %env.alias%. You can do the same manually and it will also be acceptable.

3. iOS app with On-Appdome-Sign Type:

Platform: iOS
Sign Type: On-Appdome-Sign
Provisioning Profile Files: URL of the provisioning profile file location, or the environment variable holding it. You can enter multiple environment variables of provisioning files, just separate them with commas (see example in the screenshot below)
Signing Certificate File: URL of the certificate file location, or the environment variable holding it
Certificate Password: certificate file password or the environment variable holding it
Entitlements Files: URL of the entitlement file location, or the environment variable holding it. You can enter multiple environment variables of entitlement files, just separate them with commas (see example in the screenshot below)

19 1

Note: In some cases, TeamCity platform may wrap the env. parameters with % signs, for them to be shown like %env.alias%. You can do the same manually and it will also be acceptable.

4. iOS app with Private-Sign or Audo-Dev-Sign Type:

Platform: iOS
Sign Type: Private-Sign or Audo-Dev-Sign
Provisioning Profile Files: URL of the provisioning profile file location, or the environment variable holding it. You can enter multiple environment variables of provisioning files, just separate them with commas (see example in the screenshot below)
Entitlements Files: URL of the entitlement file location, or the environment variable holding it. You can enter multiple environment variables of entitlement files, just separate them with commas (see example in the screenshot below)

20 2

Note: In some cases, TeamCity platform may wrap the env. parameters with % signs, for them to be shown like %env.alias%. You can do the same manually and it will also be acceptable.

Click Save.

When done, the step will be added to your build process, as shown in the screenshot below.

23 on appdome

Step 5: Running the Build Process

1. After you have defined all the steps in your build process, you can run the build by clicking the Run… button on the upper right-hand side of the screen. This will initiate the build process.


2. To see the build process logs, select Projects from the top menu and then click Build.

26 build

3. You will see that build status is being updated in real time. For additional details and logs you can click on the build status.

4. When the build is successfully completed the result files will be stored in the artifacts. The build application will typically bear the prefix “Appdome_” by default (as demonstrated in the example provided below) unless a specific Output File Name configuration has been defined instead. The Artifacts section can be accessed by clicking on the icon on the right side of the screen.

In addition, the build app file will be represented by the environmental variable $APPDOME_BUILD, which can be referred to in the next steps. If Secondary Output was selected for Android .aab app, then $APPDOME_BUILD_SO will refer to the protected universal apk file.



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If you have any questions, please send them our way at or via the chat window on the Appdome platform.


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