How to Test Anti Remote Desktop Control for Android in TeamViewer

Last updated April 25, 2024 by Appdome


TeamViewer is a remote access and control software that allows users to share their screens, control devices remotely, and transfer files between computers. While it offers benefits for legitimate remote support and collaboration, it can also pose a security risk if misused by attackers to gain unauthorized access to sensitive applications and data. This guide walks you through how to test the Anti Remote Desktop Control feature for iOS, a critical security layer provided by Appdome to ensure your application does not operate if TeamViewer is detected, effectively preventing unauthorized access attempts.


Performing the Test

To perform the test:

  1. Build an app with the Anti Remote Desktop feature enabled.
    For detailed instructions on how to build this feature, visit the main knowledge base article How to Block Remote Desktop Exploits in Android Apps
    Remote Desktop Control Android Fusion Set
  2. Setup Devices 1 &2
  3. Open TeamViewer QuickSupport on mobile device 1.
  4. Copy the number you see next to Your ID in mobile device 1.
    Teamviewer 2
  5. Open TeamViewer Remote Control on mobile device 2.
    Teamviewer 1
  6. Paste the newly copied number to the Partner ID box on mobile device 2, and click the Remote Control button.
  7. Click Allow on device 1.
    The mobile device 1 screen is now displayed on mobile device 2.
    Allow Remote Support
  8. Click Start Broadcast
    Start Broadcast
  9. Open the protected app on mobile device 1.
  10. Verify the functionality of the Anti-Remote Desktop Control protection.
    Expected Result: You should see a security alert on the second device’s screen, blocking the app from opening while TeamViewer is active. This alert confirms that the Anti-Remote Desktop Control is operational.

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